What Housekeeping Chores Can Your Dad Do After Heart Surgery?

Post-Hospital Care in Palm Beach County FL

Post-Hospital Care in Palm Beach County FL

Your dad’s about to come home from the hospital after having heart surgery. He’s supposed to take it easy, but not too easy. What housekeeping chores will he be able to do and what isn’t he going to be able to do?

Limit Activities

Your dad will be advised to get some exercise to avoid blood clots in the legs, but he can’t do too much. With post-hospital care, he has someone to remind him to get up and walk around.

If he needs help standing up from his chair, his caregiver can help. A caregiver can walk with him and make sure he turns around before he’s too tired.

He might need help while he showers and dresses. A care aide can help him step in and out of the shower without losing his balance or slipping. Once he’s dressed, they can help him get to the dining room or kitchen for breakfast.

Take Medicines On Time

Your senior loved one will have prescription and over-the-counter medications. He’ll need to manage pain with ibuprofen and acetaminophen as his cardiologist recommends. He needs to keep track of when he’s taking them so that he doesn’t take too much.

Your dad might also have prescription heart medications to keep his blood pressure stable and prevent any complications. He needs to make sure he takes them on time and with a meal or on an empty stomach as required. A post-hospital care aide can ensure he takes them correctly and at the right time.

If he’s running low, they can help him order refills. He also might need a driver to help him pick them up or to pick them up for him.

Cook Healthy Meals

A heart-healthy diet is essential after surgery, but your dad doesn’t know where to start. His caregiver can help him come up with meals he wants to eat, shop for the required ingredients, and cook those meals for him.

When a meal is over, his caregiver can wash the dishes, tidy up, and make sure counters and stove tops are sanitized. He won’t have to worry about not having enough to eat and drink or having a home he can’t keep clean while he’s healing.

Avoid Heavy Lifting

Your dad shouldn’t be living anything heavy. This often means he should avoid lifting a laundry hamper or carrying a vacuum around his house. Carrying in the groceries can be too much.

With post-hospital care aides, your dad can have a caregiver there to do the shopping with him and carry groceries. He’ll have a caregiver to do his laundry, change his sheets, and vacuum carpets. He won’t have to lift anything heavy.

Post-hospital care services cover housekeeping chores that your dad shouldn’t be doing. With caregivers helping him complete the tasks he shouldn’t do for now, he won’t overexert. Talk to a post-hospital care specialist to make the necessary arrangements.


If you or an aging loved-one is considering Post-Hospital Care in Palm Beach County, FL, please contact the caring staff at Elite Senior Home Care today at (561) 570-6613

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